Migration of Gerrit Server Old to New

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In this tutorial, we will be migrating our gerrit 2.13 to a new server running gerrit 2.15


To complete this tutorial, you'll need the following 2 nodes

  • Database node
  • New gerrit node


Old gerrit

Server Information
OS MYSQL MYSQL version Gerrit version Authentication
Ubuntu 14.04 mysql-server 5.5.57 2.13 LDAP

New gerrit

Server Information
OS MYSQL MYSQL version Gerrit version Authentication
Debian 9 (Stretch) mysql-client 5.8 2.15 LDAP

MYSQL node

Server Information
OS MYSQL mysql-version
Ubuntu 16.04 mysql-server 5.7.22

STEP 1 On old gerrit node

Stop gerrit

Login to your gerrit server with the gerrit user or the user running gerrit. Navigate to /gerrit/bin and run

sudo ./gerrit.sh stop

Backup gerrit database

Login to your old gerrit node and backup your gerrit data base. In this case the database name is reviewdb. I use mysqldump to backup the database to a file.

mysqldum -u gerrit -p database  reviewdb > reviewdb_backup.sql

If prompt, enter you mysql password. This will backup your database reviewdb to a file called reviewdb_backup.sql

Copy the .sql file to the MYSQL server node

You have 2 options to accomplish this:

  • Option 1 : Use scp
  • Option 2 : User rsync

For this tutorial we are going to use option 1.

The syntax of the command is :

scp path_to file_to_copy remote_usernmane@remote_server:path_to_copy_the_file

To make it go faster, I create a directory on the mysql server node called files. From the old gerrit server a copy the .sql file to the mysql server node using the command below.

sudo scp /home/gerrit/reviewdb_backup.sql pp@db2007.dfw.ppnet:/home/pp/files

STEP 2: On the MYSQL server

I am not going to convert the installation of MYSQL server in this tutorial. I assume, you have already MYSQL server running on your node. login to mysql and create the database reviewdb and the user gerrit, grant all privileges to gerrit user.

STEP 3: On new gerrit node


Make sure that you have Ubuntu 16.04 installed on you new gerrit node.
