How to install Kubernetes

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ATTENTION!!! CONFIGURATION OF VERSION 1.18 and Docker version 19.03.8

In this tutorial, we will be installing Kubernetes (k8s) cluster. The cluster will have 1 master and 2 nodes.


To complete this tutorial, we will need 3 nodes running Debian Stretch/Buster. This tutorial will work too on nodes running Ubuntu Xenial.

Node informations

node1 = k8s2001.tx.labnet = master node / IP address

node2 = k8s2002.tx.labnet / IP address

node3 = k8s2003.tx.labnet / IP address

make sure that all nodes can talk to each other. Like in all my turorials, I have a DHCP server and a DNS server running in my environment so no need for me to manually edit my /etc/hosts file. But, if you do not have a DHCP and DNS server in your environment, please edit your /etc/hosts file.

  • master node
ppaul@k8s2001:~$ cat /etc/hosts	localhost	k8s2001.tx.labnet	k8s2001
# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1     localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters

make also sure if you are using swap to disable swap on all nodes


# UUID=aea9965a-deae-4d5a-9ad5-3fdbc449121d none            swap    sw              0       0

K8s Installation

Create a file called on all nodes and copy and paste the script below into the the file and make the file executable. This script will install docker and K8s on all nodes

sudo swapoff -a
# Install Docker
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common -y
sudo curl -fsSL | apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install docker-ce -y
# Install kubernetes
sudo curl -s | apt-key add -
sudo echo 'deb kubernetes-xenial main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list
apt-get update -y
apt-get install kubelet kubeadm kubectl -y

If the installation complete with no problem, move to the next step to configure the master node.

K8s Configuration

All the configurations are done on the master node (k8s2001.tx.labnet). Once the configurations are done then we can move on to the other nodes to join them to the cluster.

On the master node

Login to your master node.This first step on configuring the master node is to initialize the cluster by using the master node IP address. The command is :

sudo kubeadm init --pod-network-cidr= --apiserver-advertise-address=

You can use any given IP address for the pod-network-cider, I just pick is the IP address of the master node. After running the command you will have the output below.

Your Kubernetes master has initialized successfully!
To start using your cluster, you need to run the following as a regular user:
 mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
 sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config
 sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config
You should now deploy a pod network to the cluster.
Run "kubectl apply -f [podnetwork].yaml" with one of the options listed at:
You can now join any number of machines by running the following on each node
as root:
 kubeadm join --token hfz0k8.aq3mjh0eng2nrlo5 --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash                                                                                                     

The line in red is very important. You will be using this command to join the other nodes to the cluster. It is best to copy and save this line somewhere in case you need to join more node to the cluster.

As instructed by the output, we need to run the 3 comamnds below before we start using the cluster

mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config
sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config

After running the 3 commands above, issue

kubectl get nodes 
ppaul@k8s2001:~$ kubectl get node
k8s1001   NotReady master   36h   v1.18.2

We can see that the status of the master is NotReady. The reason being that the cluster doesn't have a Container Networking Interface or CNI.

kubectl apply -f

Now issue again the command kubectl get nodes

ppaul@k8s2001:~$ kubectl get nodes
k8s1001   Ready    master   36h   v1.18.2

Our cluster is up and running but not ready yet. The last command to issue to check that everything is up and running is

kubectl get pods --all-namespaces

ppaul@k8s2001:~$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
NAMESPACE              NAME                                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kube-system            calico-kube-controllers-6fcbbfb6fb-68nv4     1/1     Running   0          36h
kube-system            calico-node-gdhzg                            1/1     Running   0          16h
kube-system            calico-node-kmqbv                            1/1     Running   0          17h
kube-system            calico-node-xrs9b                            1/1     Running   0          36h
kube-system            coredns-66bff467f8-hjfzk                     1/1     Running   0          36h
kube-system            coredns-66bff467f8-tvt4v                     1/1     Running   0          36h
kube-system            etcd-k8s1001                                 1/1     Running   0          36h
kube-system            kube-apiserver-k8s1001                       1/1     Running   0          36h
kube-system            kube-controller-manager-k8s1001              1/1     Running   2          36h
kube-system            kube-proxy-6npm5                             1/1     Running   0          16h
kube-system            kube-proxy-78v7f                             1/1     Running   0          17h
kube-system            kube-proxy-rq5qt                             1/1     Running   0          36h
kube-system            kube-scheduler-k8s1001                       1/1     Running   1          36h

Now that everything is running, we can go the the next step: Configure dashboard.

Dashboard Installation

The command to install the dashboard on version 1.12 and version 1.18 is different.

On version 1.12

kubectl apply -f

ppaul@k8s2001:~$ kubectl apply -f
secret/kubernetes-dashboard-certs created
serviceaccount/kubernetes-dashboard created created created
deployment.apps/kubernetes-dashboard created
service/kubernetes-dashboard created

On version 1.18

kubectl apply -f

Dashboard Configuration

On version 1.12 Let us configure our Dashboard so we can have full admin permission. First we need to create a yaml file and use the yaml file to setup admin permission on the dashboard. Create a file named dashboard.yaml. and paste the content below into the file, save, close the file and make it executable.

vi dashboard.yaml


kind: ClusterRoleBinding
   name: kubernetes-dashboard
     k8s-app: kubernetes-dashboard
   kind: ClusterRole
   name: cluster-admin
-  kind: ServiceAccount
   name: kubernetes-dashboard
   namespace: kube-system

once the yaml file ready, run : kubectl create -f dashboard.yaml

ppaul@k8s2001:~$ kubectl create -f dashboard.yaml created

On version 1.18

Create a file called service_admin.yaml and paste the content below in the file

 apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: ppadmin
  namespace: kube-system
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: ppadmin
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: cluster-admin
- kind: ServiceAccount
  name: ppadmin
  namespace: kube-system

The file defines an administrator service account and a clusterrolebinding, both called ppadmin. You can call it anything you want.


kubectl apply -f service_admin.yaml


ppaul@k8s3001:~$ kubectl apply -f service_account.yaml 
serviceaccount/ppadmin created created

We will use the ppadmin service account to connect to the Kubernetes dashboard.

Access Dashboard

On versio 1.12 To be able to access the dashboard, we need to enable proxy on the master bu issuing the command below

sudo nohup kubectl proxy --address="" -p 443 --accept-hosts='^*$' & being the master node IP address

Note: if you are running UFW make sure tcp/443 is open on the node.

Open a browser and type in the URL below to access the dashboard!/overview?namespace=default


On version 1.18 Obtain an authentication token for the ppadmin service account by entering:

kubectl -n kube-system describe secret $(kubectl -n kube-system get secret | grep ppadmin | awk '{print $1}')

on the node running the dashboard (k8s1001), run

kubectl proxy
Starting to serve on

on your local, personal computer port forward the proxy port (usually 8001) so that you can access it from localhost

ssh -L 8001:localhost:8001 ppaul@k8s1001.dfw.labnet

You should now be able to access the dashboard using your browser at


Copy and paste the token you obtained for the ppadmin service account

Now that we have the master ready, it is time to join the first node. Everything from here below is the same as for version 1.12 and version 1.18

Join node to cluster

Before we join the first node, lets check the node status on the master.

ppaul@k8s2001:~$ kubectl get nodes
k8s2001   Ready    master   94m   v1.12.2

We see that we have only the master for now. same output when using the dashboard. Node1.png'

Login to your first node (k8s2002.tx.labnet) and issue the command below

Note: if you are running UFW make sure that tcp/6443 is open on the master node otherwise, the node will not be able to join the cluster.

sudo kubeadm join --token hfz0k8.aq3mjh0eng2nrlo5 --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash                                                                                                     


This node has joined the cluster:
* Certificate signing request was sent to apiserver and a response was received.
* The Kubelet was informed of the new secure connection details.
Run 'kubectl get nodes' on the master to see this node join the cluster.

login to your second node (k8s2003.tx.labnet) and perform the same step as k8s2002.

on the master

ppaul@k8s2001:~$ kubectl get nodes
k8s2001   Ready    master   151m   v1.12.2
k8s2002   Ready    <none>   42s    v1.12.2
k8s2003   Ready    <none>   42s    v1.12.2


Now that we have joined our node to the cluster, let us test by creating Nginx container.



Before creating any deployment, if you are running UFW, make sure tcp/6666 is open on the master node otherwise your deployment with be sucked at "ContainerCreating"

hello-world-6db874c846-b256n   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          7s

All is done from the master node. The first command we need to run to deploy Nginx container is;

kubectl create deployment nginx --image=nginx

you can choose any deployment name if you want and it can be websrv, web. It doesn't have to be nginx as deployment name. We discuss more about the command later and how to use also the GUI (Dashboard to deploy)

ppaul@k8s2001:~$ kubectl create deployment nginx --image=nginx
deployment.apps/nginx created

Then issue kubectl get deployments to list all deployments right now we have only one deployment (nginx)

ppaul@k8s2001:~$ kubectl get deployments
nginx   1         1         1            1           58s

You can also issue : kubectl describe deployment nginx to have more information about the deployment

ppaul@k8s2001:~$ kubectl describe deployment nginx
Name:                   nginx
Namespace:              default
CreationTimestamp:      Mon, 05 Nov 2018 22:21:42 -0600
Labels:                 app=nginx
Annotations:   1
Selector:               app=nginx
Replicas:               1 desired | 1 updated | 1 total | 1 available | 0 unavailable
StrategyType:           RollingUpdate
MinReadySeconds:        0
RollingUpdateStrategy:  25% max unavailable, 25% max surge
Pod Template:
  Labels:  app=nginx
    Image:        nginx
    Port:         <none>
    Host Port:    <none>
    Environment:  <none>
    Mounts:       <none>
  Volumes:        <none>
  Type           Status  Reason
  ----           ------  ------
  Available      True    MinimumReplicasAvailable
  Progressing    True    NewReplicaSetAvailable
OldReplicaSets:  <none>
NewReplicaSet:   nginx-55bd7c9fd (1/1 replicas created)
  Type    Reason             Age    From                   Message
  ----    ------             ----   ----                   -------
  Normal  ScalingReplicaSet  3m48s  deployment-controller  Scaled up replica set nginx-55bd7c9fd to 1

Since we have 2 nodes and you want to know on which node the pod is running on, you can issue the command: kubectl get pods -o=wide

ppaul@k8s2001:~$ kubectl get pods -o=wide
NAME                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE     IP             NODE      NOMINATED NODE
nginx-55bd7c9fd-54pgz   1/1     Running   0          9m54s   k8s2003   <none>

We can see that Nginx is running on k8s2003.

WE have Nginx running but we can not access it for now. For us to be able to access it, we need to expose the service on port 80.The command to do that is

kubectl create service nodeport nginx --tcp=80:80


ppaul@k8s2001:/etc/ssh/userkeys$ kubectl create service nodeport nginx --tcp=80:80
service/nginx created

By running kubeclt get svc we can see the Nginx service with assigned port of 30887

ppaul@k8s2001:/etc/ssh/userkeys$ kubectl get svc
NAME         TYPE        CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)        AGE
kubernetes   ClusterIP      <none>        443/TCP        17h
nginx        NodePort   <none>        80:30887/TCP   20s

To double check that Nginx is up and you can access the default page, login to the node on which the service is running (k8s2003) and curl

papaul@k8s2003:/etc/network$ curl
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Welcome to nginx!</title>
   body {
       width: 35em;
       margin: 0 auto;
       font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;

You can also open a browser and enter it will take you to Nginx default page.

Now that we have our cluster setup and everything is working, let us work on some scenarios.


Example 1

In example 1 we are going to deploy a simple web app on 5 pods using the command line and explaining each line of the command.

Login to you master node and run the command below

kubectl run hello-world --replicas=5 --labels="run=load-balancer-example" --port=8080


hello-world  / name of deployment
replicas=5 / We want 5 pods (containers) 
labels="run=load-balancer-example" / a labels is just a name you give to the deployment to be able to keep track  / the url where to get the image from and node-hello:1.0  is the name of the image 
--port=8080 / the port that this container exposes. If we do create a service to expose  this deployment, the service will use this port


papaul@k8s2001:~$ kubectl run hello-world --replicas=5 --labels="run=load-balancer-example" --port=8080
kubectl run --generator=deployment/apps.v1beta1 is DEPRECATED and will be removed in a future version. Use kubectl create instead.
deployment.apps/hello-world created

By running the kuberctl get pods -o=wide we can see that we have the 5 pods running. 3 on k8s2002 and 2 on k8s2003

ppaul@k8s2001:~$ kubectl get pods -o=wide
NAME                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE     IP              NODE      NOMINATED NODE
hello-world-6479dc48cb-65mft   1/1     Running   0          6m53s     k8s2003   <none>
hello-world-6479dc48cb-6wlrj   1/1     Running   0          6m53s     k8s2003   <none>
hello-world-6479dc48cb-cf2b2   1/1     Running   0          6m53s     k8s2002   <none>
hello-world-6479dc48cb-h2fpk   1/1     Running   0          6m53s     k8s2002   <none>
hello-world-6479dc48cb-w5f5n   1/1     Running   0          6m53s     k8s2002   <none>
nginx-55bd7c9fd-cxp8t          1/1     Running   1          4d19h   k8s2003   <none>

The next step is to create a service object that exposes the deployment hello-world. the command to do that is:

ppaul@k8s2001:~$ kubectl expose deployment hello-world --type=LoadBalancer --name=svc-hello-world
service/svc-hello-world exposed


hello-world / name of deployment 
--type=LoadBalancer / The type of service. We have ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer and ExternalName. in our case we pick LoadBalancer because we need to be able to balance traffic between the 5 pods (containers) 
--name=svc-hello-world / the name we want to give to our service 
  • verification
papaul@k8s2001:~$ kubectl get svc svc-hello-world
NAME              TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
svc-hello-world   LoadBalancer   <pending>     8080:30155/TCP   4m15s

Do not worry about the EXternal-IP pending status for now. We can see that the port 8080 was exposed to port 30155 . To access the app, we will have to use port 30155 and not port 8080.

  • Testing
ppaul@k8s2001:~$ curl k8s2002:30155
Hello Kubernetes!
ppaul@k8s2001:~$ curl k8s2003:30155
Hello Kubernetes!

Example 2

In example 2 we are going to re-do example 1 but using the dashboard. Open your dashboard, on the top right corner click on "create' then "CREATE AN APP"

deployment name = hello-world1
image url =
Number of pods = 5
Service = External
Port = 8080
target port = 8080


Then click on "Deploy"

  • Checking
papaul@k8s2001:~$ kubectl get svc 
NAME              TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
hello-world1      LoadBalancer    <pending>     8080:32707/TCP   3m12s
kubernetes        ClusterIP        <none>        443/TCP          6d1h
nginx             LoadBalancer     <pending>     82:32238/TCP     58m
svc-hello-world   LoadBalancer   <pending>     8080:30155/TCP   46m

We see that the same app running on cluster with IP is accessible on port 32707 and the one running on cluster ip is accessible on port 30155

  • Testing
ppaul@k8s2001:~$ curl k8s2002:32707
Hello Kubernetes!
ppaul@k8s2001:~$ curl k8s2003:32707
Hello Kubernetes!

Note: If you delete a pod on a deployment with replicas set to 5 for example, that pod will be recreate automatically.


Depending on your needs, you can decide to scale your deployment. You have 2 options to scale, scale up which will add mode pod(s) to your deployment and scale down which will remove pod(s) from your deployment.

We have seen that when the replicas = 5 and we have 2 nodes in our cluster, K8s distribute the load equally between the nodes ( 3 for k8s2002 and 2 for k8s2003) if the replicas was equal to let see 4, then k82002 will get 2 and k8s2003 as well.

In example 1, we have 3 pods running on k8s2002 and 2 on k8s2003.

ppaul@k8s2001:~$ kubectl get pods -o=wide
NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE   IP             NODE      NOMINATED NODE
hello-world-78f6dc68cf-c6qbk    1/1     Running   0          93m    k8s2002   <none>
hello-world-78f6dc68cf-dq9gn    1/1     Running   0          93m    k8s2002   <none>
hello-world-78f6dc68cf-glp59    1/1     Running   0          93m    k8s2003   <none>
hello-world-78f6dc68cf-ttkwh    1/1     Running   0          93m    k8s2002   <none>
hello-world-78f6dc68cf-xv75k    1/1     Running   0          20m   k8s2003   <none>

if we decide to scale up by adding 1 more pod, this pod will automatically be added to k8s2003.

We do have 3 options for scaling up

  • Use the dashboard: the easy way
  • Edit the deployment yaml file
  • use the command line (CL)

Use the command line

ppaul@k8s2001:~$ kubectl scale deploy hello-world --replicas=6
deployment.extensions/hello-world scaled
  • Checking
ppaul@k8s2001:~$ kubectl get pods -o=wide
NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE     IP             NODE      NOMINATED NODE
hello-world-78f6dc68cf-c6qbk    1/1     Running   0          104m    k8s2002   <none>
hello-world-78f6dc68cf-dq9gn    1/1     Running   0          104m    k8s2002   <none>
hello-world-78f6dc68cf-glp59    1/1     Running   0          104m    k8s2003   <none>
hello-world-78f6dc68cf-tqk9r    1/1     Running   0          3m46s   k8s2003   <none>
hello-world-78f6dc68cf-ttkwh    1/1     Running   0          104m    k8s2002   <none>
hello-world-78f6dc68cf-xv75k    1/1     Running   0          32m   k8s2003   <none>

Edit the yaml file

We are going to use the yaml file now to scale down back our cluster to 5 pods

kubectl edit deploy hello-world

This will open the yaml file for edit. Find the line that says replicas and change the value from 6 to 5 save and close the file.

  • Checking
ppaul@k8s2001:~$ kubectl get pods -o=wide
NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE    IP             NODE      NOMINATED NODE
hello-world-78f6dc68cf-c6qbk    1/1     Running   0          110m    k8s2002   <none>
hello-world-78f6dc68cf-dq9gn    1/1     Running   0          110m    k8s2002   <none>
hello-world-78f6dc68cf-glp59    1/1     Running   0          110m    k8s2003   <none>
hello-world-78f6dc68cf-ttkwh    1/1     Running   0          110m    k8s2002   <none>
hello-world-78f6dc68cf-xv75k    1/1     Running   0          38m   k8s2003   <none>

Understand K8s yaml file

In this section we are going to break down the most important parts of the deployment and service yaml files to create a basic app

Deployment yaml

apiVersion: apps/v1  
kind: Deployment
  name: nginx-deployment       #name of of ddeployment
      app: nginx-deployment     
  replicas: 2                 #number of pods to create
        app: nginx-deployment 
      - name: nginx
        image: nginx:1.8     #which image to install
          - name: http       # port name 
            containerPort: 8081

Run the file.

kuberctl apply -f deployment.yaml


ppaul@k8s2001:~$ kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml 
deployment.extensions/nginx-deployment created
ppaul@k8s2001:~$ kubectl get pod
NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE     IP             Node      NOMINATED MODE    
nginx-deployment-598886bfc7-nxl2g   1/1     Running   0          2m26s   k8s2002   <none>
nginx-deployment-598886bfc7-stt42   1/1     Running   0          2m26s   k8s2003   <none>

The only way to access the app here is by using the pod IP address from the node where it is running from. Login to k8s2003 and curl and login to k8s200 an curl


ppaul@k8s2003:~$ curl
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Welcome to nginx!</title>

To be able to access the app from the cluster, we need to create a service that exposes the port, (see next step)

Service yaml

The service below opens a specific port on all the Nodes(k8s2002 and k8s2003) and any traffic that is sent to this port is forwarded to the service. In this case, the service can me accessible from any node in the cluster by using any give node IP address follow by the open port.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: nginxtest
      app: nginx-deployment  # app:nginx-deployment this needs to match the same name in  deployment,that's how the service will know how to route traffic
  - port: 80
  type: NodePort

Run the file

kubectl apply -f service.yaml


ppaul@k8s2001:~$ kubectl apply -f services.yaml 
service/nginxtest created
ppaul@k8s2001:~$ kubectl get svc nginxtest
NAME        TYPE       CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)        AGE
nginxtest   NodePort   <none>        80:31863/TCP   68s
  • Testing from k8s2001
ppaul@k8s2001:~$ curl k8s2002:31863   #You can use also k8s2003 IP address
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Welcome to nginx!</title>
    body {

ppaul@k8s2001:~$ curl k8s2003:31863    #You can use also k8s2003 IP address
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Welcome to nginx!</title>
    body {

This will work also if you run the test from any other node then k8s2001

Cleaning up

ppaul@k8s2001:~$ kubectl get deploy
hello-world        5         5         5            5           2d22h
hello-world1       5         5         5            5           2d21h
nginx-deployment   2         2         2            2           20h
The output above shows that the deployment nginx-deployment  has 2 pods running. To delete this deployment you can just issue the command 
kubectl delete deployment "deployment_name"

ppaul@k8s2001:~$ kubectl delete deploy nginx-deployment   #deploy=deployment you can also type the whole word deployment 
deployment.extensions "nginx-deployment" deleted

There is no need to delete any pods. By deleting the deployment, it automatically delete all the pods. However, you need to delete the service associate to the deployment. That is why it is important when creating a service to label the service. In our case the service that was associate to the deployment nginx-deployment was ngnixtest

kubectl delete svc nginxtest   # svc=service you can also type the whole word service 
ppaul@k8s2001:~$ kubectl delete svc nginxtest
service "nginxtest" deleted

Understand type NodePort

Scenario 1 : Service map to a single pod


In the image above, we have one pod running a web app container on node k8s2002.The web app is running on port 80. we need to be able to access the web app from the network. For that we have two options. The first option is to create a service with type = NodePort and select a port (default web port is 80). In this case, a "NodePort" will be automatically selected from the range 30000-32767. The service will then use the selector app:myapp to connect to the pod. If a targetPort was specified during the deployment, the service will know how to map to that port if not use option 2

In option two, you can specify which "NodePort" and map a service port to a target port on the pod.

  • Option 1
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: myapp-service
    app: myapp
   - port:80
  type: NodePort
  • Option 2
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: myapp-service
    app: myapp
   - targetPort: 80
     nodePort: 33085
  type: NodePort

Scenario 2: Service map to multiple pods

we want to scale up by increasing the number of pod to 2 on our node. See image below.


Both Pods have the same label with the key app set to the value "myapp". The same label is use as a selector during the creation of the service. when the service is created, it looks for a matching pod with the label "myapp" it has 2 of them. The service then automatically selects all the two pods as end points to forward the external request from users. No additional configuration needs to be done for this to happen.

To balance the load across the two different pods, the service uses a random algorithm. The service acts as a build in load balancer to distribute load across different pods.

Scenario 3: Service map to multiple pods on different nodes


In this scenario like in scenario 2, there is no additional works that need to be done after creating the service. K8s will create a service that expends across all the nodes in the cluster and maps the target port to the same "NodePort" on all the node in the cluster. The application can then be access by using the IP address of any node in the cluster and using the same port number



curl http://k8s2002:33085
curl http://k8s2003:33085

Scenario 4: Node in cluster with no pods

I have mentioned in scenario 3 that "K8s will create a service that expends across all the nodes in the cluster and maps the target port to the same "NodePort" on all the node in the cluster". This is true also even thought if there is a node in the cluster that doesn't have a pod running on it, the service will be created on that node. (See image below)


We can see in the image above that pod1 is not running on k8s200n but the service is created on k8s200n like on the other two nodes in the cluster. when the user uses 10.64.0.n to access the application, since there is no pod on k8s200n, the service knows how to send that request to the pod running on k8s2002 or k8s2003.

What we need to understand is that in any case, we have a single pod on a single node, multiple pods on a single node or multiple pods on multiple nodes. the service is created exactly the same way without any additional steps during the service creation.

When pods are removed or added, the service is automatically updated making it flexible and adaptive


Some Metrics

System Number of CPU RAM Disk Number of pods
Master node 2 2GB 120GB 15 kube-system
node1 1 2GB 120GB 4
node2 1 2GB 120GB 4

With the setup above here are the metrics from grafana Note that all 3 nodes are VM's

Master Node

Master node.png

Node 1

Node1 metric.png

Node 2

Node2 metric.png



In this tutorial, we setup a 3 nodes cluster with one master and 2 nodes. We also setup the dashboard which is very helpful to use when you are new on working with K8s. The tutorial was written to help those that wants to start to learn the basic of K8s with simple examples.